Thursday, October 8, 2009

Did you know the pilgrims landed first in Provincetown before getting back on the Mayflower and sailing forth to Plymouth Rock? They were there for 5 weeks. Too precarious I suppose, it is a little strip of land, but that tall turret to the right of the frame is part of their monument.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a very peaceful place.

    Back in the 80s, I was on Cape Cod - in fact, went there two years in a row because I liked it so much. Not sure why I never went back.

    Stayed at a place called the Bradsford Inn, I think it was called, in Provincetown. It was a bed and breakfast.

    I remember going to Race Point (and I hope I am remembering these names correctly) and watching the waves crash in.

    The whole area was great. I also remember eating at the Orleans Inn in Orleans.

    Sorry to hear about the lay off. But glad you are able to spend some time on the Cape.

    Take care.
