Thursday, April 9, 2009

As we wind down Wabi-Sabi week, I must include some of my many detail shots of the ever-popular back hoe. Have you seen a mother try to drag her four year old son away from watching one in action? Maybe you've been that mother, maybe the son was older or younger. It's like a fire truck, that fascination. But even I can watch a back hoe do it's thing. They're almost alive, like a dinosaur, moving in all directions with their big scary teeth and extensions. So here's to the almighty back hoe, the monster star of demolition and construction.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating contrast between the two images - one where the backhoe almost looks benign, gentle and calm; and the second image where you see the raw power and the violence... fabulous finish to Wabi-Sabi week Maureen! Thanks for visiting earlier and for all your kind, warm comments. hugs to you, Vxx
